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Explore Our Gorgeous Event Spaces North of Houston

Nestled in the serene countryside north of Houston, The Historic Hill House + Farm is the perfect event space for your next special celebration. With over 130 years of rich Texas history, our venue has been a cherished location for countless memorable events. Whether you’re looking to host an intimate birthday party or a grand family reunion, we provide the perfect backdrop for creating unforgettable moments regardless of celebration. Call to book your tour and reserve the date of your special celebration.

Thanksgiving at the Farm


Thursday, Nov 28, 2024, 12pm – 4 pm

$65 Adults | $35 Children

Click Here for More Information

Breakfast with Santa


Saturday, Dec 7, 2024, 10am and 12 pm

$70 Adults | $35 Children

Click Here for More Information

bar and alcohol

Versatile Spaces for All Celebrations

The Historic Hill House + Farm is a versatile event venue catering to various special events and celebrations. Whether it’s a joyous baby shower, a festive birthday party, or a romantic vow renewal, our venue sets the stage for a truly memorable celebration. We are fully equipped to host single-day and multi-day events, with comfortable overnight accommodations available for your guests. Here are just a few of the events we specialize in:

  • Baby Showers
  • Bridal Showers
  • Birthday Parties
  • Private Dinners
  • Anniversary Parties
  • Vow Renewals
  • Holiday Parties
  • Graduation Parties
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
  • Quinceaneras
  • Family Reunions
breakfast plate

Complete Your Event With Exquisite Food

Let our recommended local caterers create a culinary experience matching the elegance of your event. At The Historic Hill House + Farm, we believe every celebration deserves an extraordinary feast satisfying the palate and enhances the occasion’s ambiance. Our partnerships with top caterers in the area ensure diverse menu options, from sophisticated hors d’oeuvres to decadent desserts, all prepared with the finest ingredients. If you have a preferred catering service, feel free to bring in food from an outside caterer of your choice, allowing full customization of your celebration. Whether it’s an intimate gathering or a grand affair, our goal is to make every moment memorable with exceptional cuisine.

A Luxury Texas Retreat + Event Venue

As one of Texas’s premier luxury retreat and event venues, The Historic Hill House + Farm offers more than just a gathering place because it’s a sanctuary of hospitality. Our foundation is built on quality, consistency, and respect, ensuring that your celebration will be unique and unforgettable from the moment you arrive until the last guest departs. Discover the quintessential countryside escape and elevate your next special event at The Historic Hill House + Farm. We invite you to contact us to book a reservation or schedule a tour of our enchanting facility. Let us help you create lasting memories at your next special celebration.

Start Planning Your Next Event or Vacation Today

Quality, Consistency, and Respect for All Events