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Unforgettable Gatherings

Introduce your guests to countryside charm beyond compare. The Historic Hill House + Farm combines gorgeous scenery and inspired venues to create a breathtaking backdrop for meetings, retreats, and other group events.

people at a barn party

Group Amenities

  • 6,000+ Square Feet of Flexible Indoor and Outdoor Meeting Space
  • Audio/Visual Capabilities
  • Access to Third-Party Elevated Caterers
  • Ample Parking
  • Restaurant, Bar, and Lounge
  • Best-In-Class Service
  • 16 Overnight Suites (19 Rooms)
reserved table

Reception Barn

Accommodates up to 150 guests.

Originally a bank barn built in the 1840s in Pennsylvania, our rustic yet elegant Reception Barn offers a unique and historic venue for meetings and events. Guests can also enjoy the expansive covered back porch that overlooks the picturesque pasture, adding to the overall charm and beauty of the space.

dining room and board of food

Dining Barn

Accommodates up to 40 guests.

Located within a beautifully restored 1840s barn originally from Canada, our authentic restaurant space offers a stunning backdrop for intimate events of up to 40 guests. With its historic charm and rustic ambiance, it’s the perfect venue for cocktail receptions and small gatherings.

pine hill lodge

Pine Hill Lodge

Accommodates up to 20 guests.

Gather your team and meet in the intimate Pine Hill Lodge, perfect for presentations and workshops.

people sitting at round tables


Accommodates up to 150 guests.

With its towering trees and vibrant flowerbeds, our Garden provides a picturesque outdoor setting for your event.

Elevated Catering Options

Working with our staff gives you access to elevated catering options. Throughout our many years of helping guests enjoy a bespoke and elevated experience, we’ve come to know some great caterers. Use our references or work with a team you know and trust for the gathering.

Start Planning Your Next Event or Vacation Today

Quality, Consistency, and Respect for All Events