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Luxury Group Vacation Suites in North of Houston

Immerse yourself in the countryside charm just north of Houston, where The Historic Hill House + Farm offers luxury group vacation suites. Our location combines nature’s beauty with top-tier amenities, perfect for reunions or vacations. It is an ideal event venue with over 6,000 square feet of flexible indoor and outdoor rental space. Modern audio/visual capabilities ensure your stay with your family and friends runs smoothly. We also provide ample on-site parking and excellent service, ensuring your guests are well cared for from arrival. Give us a call today to discuss your needs and book your group rental.

fireplace and swimming pool

Ultimate Overnight Experience

Our overnight options are perfect for the overnight group experience. Everyone can have their own room while you plan fun adventures or a relaxing weekend. Our 16 suites have 19 different rooms for you and your guests to choose from when staying with us. Each one is fitted with bespoke Matouk linens and luxurious L’occitane bath products so you can truly enjoy the stay. Each suite combines countryside charm with modern amenities to ensure comfort and convenience for all our guests. Explore our exceptional suites to find the one fitting your special occasion:

  • Family Suites
  • Cozy Suites
  • Romantic Suites
  • Garden View Suites
wedding food

Elevated Dining Experience

Memories are made while gathered around the table. Our food and beverage services go above and beyond, offering a range of dining options from breakfast breaks to full-fledged dinner receptions. We can customize a food experience for your group’s vacation, including using locally sourced ingredients, servers, chinaware, silverware, and water goblets, with upgraded and premium selections available. Whether you prefer a plated dinner or buffet-style service, our culinary professionals will work with you to create a menu perfectly complementing your stay.

Discover Luxury and Elegance at The Historic Hill House + Farm

Embark on a journey of luxury and elegance with our suites at The Historic Hill House + Farm. We invite you to call and book your reservation or schedule a tour of our facilities today. Experience the unparalleled charm of the countryside and the sophistication of our venues, and create memories to last a lifetime.

Start Planning Your Next Event or Vacation Today

Quality, Consistency, and Respect for All Events